To withdraw the senses is difficult in the beginning because we are rebelling against what we consider be the very nature of our mind and we find ourselves so distracted that we we end up disturbed! But this is a temporary obstacle and soon to be overcome
There are 8 limbs of the 'Raja' Yoga we practice in modern society (physical practice being just one).Though noteveryone knows what they are let alone even considers them as parts of daily practice. Yet without applying ourselves to every limb our efforts cannot be totally successful. So it's well worth knowing what they are andstarting to incorporate them into our daily practice.
More than two-thirds of the world use mala beads, prayer beads or something similar to aid in their spiritual practices. When the Roman Empire was trading with India, they mistook the word japa (meaning mantra mala) for jap, the Latin word for “rose.” So when these prayer beads came to be used in Rome, they were called rosarium, or rosary in English.
Repeating Shivoham Shivoham mantra creates a powerful and positive vibration which can bring about lasting transformation into your life. You can experience a state of detachment and the feeling of being free.
Similar to praying with rosary beads, meditating with a mala helps calm the mind, regulate blood pressure, deepens the breath and gradually re-direct teh focus of the mind away from daily worries and disturbances towards positive and spiritual thought patterns.
Rudraksha seeds hold a key to spiritual wisdom and emanate a powerful vibration, owning one is a blessing. Yet we are often unassuming as to the quality, and are often sold imposters! Not here!
Mantras are Incantation to purify and uplift the whole atmosphere within the body and around you. Used to uplift consciousness there is a useful mantra for any time, here are some favourite and well known Yoga Mantras.
Dr Richard Usatine, a medical educator from Florida, USA is saying, “Yoga can be as important as any medication. This is a lifestyle change. This is the way to improve the quality of your life.”