Creating in Melbourne

Yoga Malas in Australia. Finding Authentic Mala Beads in Australia

Shivjyoti Puri | 24 February, 2017

            Yoga Malas in Australia. Finding Authentic Mala Beads in Australia

Knowing where your Mala comes from and that it's of legitimate quality is important 


All malas are Not the same .... the quality varies enormously. Buying a mala in India is often the most courageous of all, unless your in an ashram or other very reputable destination you likely to end up with a fake. Like all things there are counterfeit, and discerning the difference it not so easy.

Mala beads in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne and across the rest of Australia are fast becoming sought after for yogis, practitioners and yoga teachers alike, they hold a key to spiritual wisdom and emanate a powerful vibration, owning one is a blessing. Yet we are often unassuming as to the quality, and are often sold imposters! I see it very, very often, and in my years of travel to India have rarely, and I mean very rarely seen a genuine Rudraksha mala in a shop, most are cheap and counterfeit. 

Rudraksha malas available in Sydney and Australia are also very often not the real ones, though they look beautiful and feel in the fingers just the same. Certainly the ones you can buy off cheap shopping sites are also highly unlikely to be authentic, and may even have the disturbing effect on health and mental peace, according to some Masters. The vibration changes depending upon the quality and faces of a Rudraksha (mukhi's). A true Rudraksha holds immense power, and you will feel this immediately, whether you can tune into it or not. A true Rudraksha will have an effect on your life and health, you will feel more calm and positive, the environment at home will become more harmonious with time and your mind will be more alert. These are the signs of a true Rudraksha. Be sure that wherever you attain yours has it's source from somewhere absolutely legitimate. A well meaning intermediary is not enough.

Shivohamworks with the biggest supplier of gems and Rudraksha to Masters, yogis and Ashrams across India, they sell one mukhi Rudraksaha around the world for up to 15,000EURO and housing some of their Jewels is a stunning boutique I often visit to select the Rudraksha and Crystals with their expert help. The likes of Sri Nityananda, Mooji, Prabhuji and countless others rely on our supplier in Haridwar to source, clean and thread the most auspicious quality beads you will ever find. 

It's importantyou wear your mala, it's not enough to leave it in a room or carry it in your bag. Select a mala that you can use, at least a few times a week. This will harness the power of the mala and give you the opportunity to experience it's gifts in your life. Make an effort to get your mala blessed by a spiritual master and do your daily practice to enforce, enhance and build the energy of your sacred Shivoham beads. Om Namaha Shivaya. 

Today is Shivaratri24th February 2017, and I was inspired to write this as I sat for meditation, taken as blessing from Lord Shiva. Every inspiration, idea and the grace in my life and the lives of all who wear and seek the true spiritual path of Yoga is from him.

May Divine Light ever radiate in our consciousness through the daily journey we make inward.  



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