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Benefits of wearing a Mala

Shivjyoti Puri | 22 June, 2017 | 1 Comment

            Benefits of wearing a Mala

These beautiful necklaces hold a special significance for the wearer based on where they're from, the power imbibed into them - their origin and the hands they've been through to the crystals included. All in all we feel and experience an energy resonance while holding the beads and this increases over time as we wear and use them for meditation and prayer.

Traditionally a mala—meaning “garland”—has 108 beads strung together and one “guru bead,” in the very centre, symbolic of the Light and the Teacher who helps lift our awareness making us self-reliant and independent. The guru bead is also a marker for your fingers during meditation and mantra repetition and you'll feel it easily while using the mala with your eyes closed. 

Benefits of Using Mala Beads

A common way to use the mala is to track a “japa,” or mantra meditation. The repetitive recitation of a single sound, such as “om,” a few words, such as “om so ham,” or your personal mantra which can be deeply transformative is done once per bead. Tracing the beads of the mala with your fingers can helps you keep track of japa, and you can set an intention to repeat one, two or three malas per day as a start. 

Similar to praying with rosary beads, meditating with a mala helps calm the mind, regulate blood pressure, deepens the breath and gradually re-direct teh focus of the mind away from daily worries and disturbances towards positive and spiritual thought patterns.

Meditation is well known to positively affects the brain and mood. However finding the time and practice that enables us to be still, calm and focused for 10 minutes or more is generally quite hard. This is where your mala and mantra are indispensable tools for achieving better attention, focus and enhanced self-awareness. 

When you feel it calling you, it's time. 

Comments (1 Response)

28 February, 2020

Bob Naidu

very nice . Pls give more on Advaita and Shiwa

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