Creating in Melbourne

Choosing the Right Mala

Shivjyoti Puri | 18 February, 2021 | 1 Comment

            Choosing the Right Mala

When you are ready to take the transformational step to adorning a Shivoham mala we offer you support to select the right one.

You may make an appointment for a phone or gallery consult or answer these questions below and send to Shivjyoti via email; 

  1. What is your biggest weakness, what’s a recurring pattern in life that always brings you down, or to the point where you feel sad, depressed or angry. What’s that trigger? Bringing you back into the same pattern of feelings that are so familiar. We all have weaknesses! When transformed, our weaknesses become our greatest asset and are connected closely to our greatest gifts, it's simply a matter of transforming the energy. No need to be shy in sharing, the you can be honest, you are closest to growth and it helps to know what things from the outer world effect you and block you from progressing. This is an important function of the mala design; acting as a shield of protection so that inner transformation can take place. 
  1. What do you wish for in life, what do you hope to achieve, what do you long for, what are your dreams. You may or may not be connected with these answers, that’s okay just write what comes to you and don’t worry if it sounds crazy. This is also very much connected with your talents, and by strengthening and supporting this energy and inner longing you will find that life flows and you feel much better. New doors open and the path is easier and more fulfilling.
  1. Any personal issues in your life, without going into too much detail: health, relationships, family, career; briefly explain if there is anything that is of significant concern to you or is ongoing and appears extremely challenging to overcome. 

You will get a reply, please copy paste and send the information via email. Sometimes it may take a few days, if we need more information we will ask or if your message isn't clear or we believe a mala or Rudraksha isn't right for you we will let you know.

This process is only applicable to necklace Mala beads as they are tools for transformation. Bracelets, while embodying pure positive energy don't carry the same potential. 

Comments (1 Response)

08 November, 2022

Vindy De Silva

I would like to choose the right Rudraksha mala.

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