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How to Use Mala Beads For Meditation

The Benefits of Meditation

Establishing a mindful Practice, Japa meditation is the key to finally loving meditation. In addition to holding your Spiritual Intention a Mala is most often used for steady and profound meditation. 

You know the benefits of meditation and how mindfulness improves everything!!! Yet for meditation to be really effective we need pure practice. 

Mantras, used for meditation enable the mind to become steady and calm, using a mala to count the mantra repetition ensures we stay present and focused, tuned into the practice. It offers immense support in overcoming the incessant chatter of the mind.

Traditionally a mala has 108 beads plus one guru bead at the end of the mala, just above the tassle. We can decide on the number of mala rounds we will do with mantra and that determines the length of the meditation. It’s much easier and more natural than watching a clock, and also gives you a goal which helps to steady and focus the mind. 

Because a mantra has a beneficial and positive vibration, they offer specific help to interrupt the negative thought patterns and to connect your spiritual energy with consciousness.

How to Use Mala Beads for Mantra Meditation

  1. Get comfortable. Find a place (a cushion, chair, or on the floor) where you can sit tall and comfortably. Hold the malain your right hand resting on your thigh and draped over your third finger, let your thumb touch this finger so the mala doesn’t fall off. You'll move the mala with your middle / second finger.
  1. Repeat your mantra. Om SoHam (I am That)
  1. Using the Mantra and Mala.To use the mala, rest on your ring finger and move each bead with your second (middle finger) using your thumb to help. Repeat the mantra once while touching each bead, continuing until you reach the end (the guru bead). Do not cross the Guru bead, honour it and either finish your meditation by chanting OM three times or turn the mala around and continue another round, going in the other direction. Choose to do either 1, 3 or 5 malas each morning. 
  1. If you get distracted.Never mind. Re-focus on the mantra and mala between your fingers, even if you’ve missed a few continue on. 
  1. On the Go with it. A Mala bracelet is the perfect way to slip in mantra practice during the day, while you're sitting on transport or waiting for an appointment, this will keep your mind calm and clear, you’ll find you actually achieve more.