Creating in Melbourne

GANESH Sunstone Mala | Blessing ones Path & Removing Obstacles


Your Mala(s), pendants and rudraksha is worn as a sacred adornment that reflects your soul intention. For ideal benefits wear them every day and keep beside your bed at night. Wearing, you receive and imbibe more energy, which alters your vibration and attracts new positive thoughts and experiences. From three to four months you’ll notice these and other significant changes.

The Rudraksha pendant red thread is ideally replaced with a fine gold chain after the first year. Shivoham altar items and crystal statues should be kept near you or central in your home.

Used to deepen meditation with a mantra and support your spiritual path. We welcome your contact for help selecting the right malas or rudraksha.


7.5mm AAAA Grade Rare Sunstone, Himalayan Clear Quartz, Rudraksha and authentic Nepal Ganesha Rudraksha, with natural trunk. Sterling Silver Rose Gold Polished bead caps and Shivoham charms. 

This powerful and blessed mala embodies Ganesha’s energy to impart advances in growth, lifestyle and dreams. Balanced on either side with Clear quartz representing Shakti (divine feminine) and Rudraksha representing Shiva (divine masculine). Sunstone contains the tree of life and gives guidance as to the right path for the soul using it.

Used to clear energise and cleanse the Chakras, Sunstone imbibes the wonderful potential for change, growth and freedom. Assisting in gently removing 'hook-ups' which have infiltrated one's being and returning them to their source after surrounding them in positive energy and love. 

Sunstone helps you to feel lightness of being and allows you to exhibit freshness. It iImbibes worthiness for luck and independence, this mala offers immense protection in all areas and allows one to expand into life's true goals.  

In ancient Greece, sunstone was thought to represent the Sun God which brings life and abundance to those fortunate enough to wear it. In ancient India it was believed to provide protection from destructive forces and to show the way forward.

Seen to have the tree of life when the sun shines through it, pure sunstone is a source of soul nourishment to those who wear it and subsequently open up to the many mystical qualities they have within.  

Enhancing awareness and spontaneity, providing innate strength to surrender to the light and allow greater realisation of ones inherent being and all that one has been seeking. Bringing the energy of the stars to the soul of the wearer, use this mala for power and harmony with the universe; making these greater energies available to humanity. 

The energy contained helps to begin again in this lifetime and to recognise there is nothing 'to become', rather its the actualisation of ones inherent purity and light that one needs to 'be'. 

A blessing for one ready to transcend suffering, spread the light and heal, with love, all beings on earth. 

Removing limiting thoughts so you experience your flow in grace. this special mala offers immense energetic courage to follow your purpose. Perfectly harmonious for receiving divine grace and following your destiny.

Imbibing immense potential for change, growth and abundant freedom. Live the life of your dreams, feel guided, inspired and see the path open before you, guiding you on where to go. Ganesh Guru bead removes obstacles and bestows Riddhi Siddhi; talents and prosperity. 

Himalayan high grade clear quartz is the purest crystal of power which helps harmonise and align our energies, thoughts, emotions and consciousness with the universe. It awakens our greatest potential, eliminates negativity and helps us manifest our creative talents and actualise our dreams.

The Rudraksha seed is a blessing to keep and wear because of its powerful vibration which protects against all negative influences. You will notice a sense of peace and less disturbances are experienced.Ideally Rudraksha is worn at all times or kept close to the skin, emitting a potent protective energy which supports the wearer in achieving their potential.  

Designed by Shivjyoti. 

The Mala’s never need to be cleansed, they reach you blessed and are charged as you use them. Guidance and mantras are included to strengthen the energy day by day, helping you become one with the energy of your mala. 

To ensure the safe and efficient delivery of your order, we express post all orders within Australia and use ‘track and trace’ couriers around the world. All our deliveries use a scanning system that follows the progress of your delivery and photographs the parcel where it’s left ‘in a safe place’.

If a problem arises you can follow up directly with the company involved, and proof of delivery and/or the status of the package will be supplied. Orders leave the Shivoham Gallery Monday to Friday and are on their way within 48 hours from when your order is placed.

  • International parcels are labelled ‘Prayer Beads’ and usually pass through customs without delay or duty, if you have additional information please include it in the notes at checkout.
  • A signature may be required, it’s a good idea to provide a delivery address where you are likely to be during the day.
  • You are responsible for the package once it has been delivered.
  • If the delivery is unable to be left, they may leave a card to advise you where you can pick up the package.
  • Please be aware we are unable to provide exact delivery times.